The "List"

So here it is -- My "Things That Have to Get Done" List.

Each one is completely attainable by the deadline I have set. The action plan is below each item.

You can't have a goal with out a deadline or an action plan.
  1. Lose 135 Pounds Before I Turn 40 (9/17/2012)
    1. Join Weight Watchers
    2. Get "moving" at least three times per week (exercise, Wii games, SOMETHING that keeps my heart rate up for 45 minutes). Begin cycle with Mondays-Tuesdays-Thursdays schedule.
    3. Keep an exercise and food intake journal to track progress and adjust where necessary.
    4. Blog at least once per week for accountability.
  2. Lose 80 Pounds by the End of 2011 (12/31/2011)
    1. See #1 above. Just needed to have a shorter-term goal to achieve by year-end.
  3. Replace All Fluids For Thirst With Water (Immediately)
    1. Cut out soda, juices, tea, and ALCOHOL with water. 
    2. Use "Fix Recovery" strips to replace electrolytes after exercising.
    3. Milk is okay when eaten with cereal or oatmeal, so long as the milk goes INTO THE BOWL, not into a glass.
  4. Move to a New Zip Code (Closer to Son's School) (6/30/2012)
    1. Begin searching for properties asap.
    2. Clean one zone of one room in the house for 15 minutes per day.
    3. Throw trash out as needed.
    4. Take toys/clothes/unneeded/unused items to charity as necessary.
    5. Start putting items in boxes to make move easier.
    6. Achieve goal at least one month before Pee Wee Football Season begins in order to settle in and get used to new surroundings/kids, etc.
  5. Put $10,000 Into Savings (12/31/2011)
    1. Spending diet begins 1/03/2011 (after trip to San Francisco takes place).
    2. Money is only spent on necessities: Food/Shelter/Clothing/Fuel
    3. Allow one night per month for "Family Night Out"
    4. Allow for personal development budget (books, tools, etc. to acquire new skills or knowledge)
    5. Auto-transfer $193 per week to savings account.
  6. Spend Less Time on the Computer and More Time With Family (Immediately)
    1. Your kids and husband need you in front of THEM. Not a computer screen.
    2. Use computer time wisely -- write out a list of items to get done while using computer instead of mindlessly surfing. The internet is fun, but parenthood and marriage is funner.
  7. Begin "52 Nights Unplugged" Program (Immediately)
    1. Wednesday nights are "Unplugged." No television, radio, smart phones, computers, or electronic games allowed.
    2. Exceptions allowed only for work and homework deadlines that cannot be avoided.
  8.  Make Enough Money With Photography Business to Pay For Boys' Monthly Tuitions (12/31/2011)
    1. Develop marketing plan
    2. Purchase "creativeLIVE" training
    3. Commit to 365 photo posts
    4. Practice, practice, practice
    5. Take four clients per month and develop repoir and word-of-mouth business
    6. CHARGE money for your services and stop doing shoots for free!