I've been absent around these parts because I've been working on creating a brand and new "dot.com" blog page!
I've got WordPress installed, some widgets going, and lots of work still to do, but you can check out the new digs at http://project365girl.com.
The reason for the changes . . . well, it kinda goes something like THIS:
- The Love of My Life wasn't exactly thrilled with me sharing financial woes and insight and hopes to move to a new area with the internet. So, I decided to scrub that. Gotta keep my baby happy!
- Photography is on the back burner right now. So, I won't be talking about that much.
- LOTS of people are most interested in my "Water 365 Project" and my goal to get fit and healthy.
- I've decided that, after having so much success with "Water 365," I will do something just like it each year. For 2012, I may go with "Happy 365," with the main goal being that I pick an inspirational or funny or useful quote and follow the instructions for a week. But 2012 is a long way from now, so I'm open to suggestions . . .
It's been an awesome (albeit short) run here on blogspot. Thank you to all who visited me here.
Now, please PLEASE go visit my new site (even though it's not ready yet) and SUBSCRIBE TO THE RSS FEED.
You can also follow me on Twitter from the blog's main page as well.
I'm working on a Facebook fan page too . . . So much fun to be had -- I'm super stoked!!
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